In case anyone missed the memo, Rosie and I are moving. Don’t worry, we’re not leaving Phoenix, just getting a new place to call our own. And it’s a smaller place that better accommodates my aspiring minimalist lifestyle.
Part of the process of becoming a homeowner is buying homeowner’s insurance. I amused myself going through the questionnaire with my insurance agent to get a quote.
Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have a basset hound.
Has your dog ever bitten anyone?
I have a basset hound.
(In all fairness, my family had a basset when I was younger that would get violent when he got confused. We think he had hearing loss from a severe illness when he was a puppy. But come on – who has ever heard of a vicious basset hound? Grouchy yes. Vicious no.)
Does your home have a security system?
I have a basset hound.
Oh, I’m way too easily entertained by my dog. But who wouldn’t be?