Day 2 of the 90 Days of Awesome is in the bank! What made today awesome? Taking my dog everywhere with me!

I adopted Rosie from the Arizona Basset Hound Rescue a little over three years ago. She completely changed my life. My schedule is based on her needs – especially now that she has glaucoma. I smile every time she wags her tail or puts her head on my knee. I love this dog.
Rosie goes where I go. The backseat of my car has a washable seat cover for her and she has a car harness so she can be secure on the road. When I joined Venjuris, I negotiated her into my contract so she can come to work with me. I have to make sure the baby gate across my door stays closed otherwise she’ll get curious and start wandering around the office.
Rosie went to work with me today. She spent most of the day sacked out on her plushy bed while I worked on clients’ projects. One of the challenges with taking her to work in the summer is the hot parking lot at the office. She doesn’t like wearing or walking in her booties. Instead of making Rosie wear her booties, at the end of the day I’ll pack up my stuff, put her in her car harness, load up my stuff into the front seat, open the door to the backseat, and then carry her 65-pound body the fifteen feet from the front door of the office and load her into the car without her feet ever touching the black top.
We stopped by the Toyota dealership on our way home today. I forgot to bring my coupon yesterday and I wanted to see if they’d apply it retroactively. I parked near the dealership door and before I let Rosie out of the car, I stepped out of my sandals to test how hot the ground was. The rule of thumb I heard is if you can stand barefooted on the ground for seven seconds with being uncomfortable, then it’s safe for your dog. One of the sales people saw me do this and said he liked me just for that.
It was so cute to see the Toyota employees gush over Rosie. She plopped herself down on the cool tile and graciously let them rub her belly.
Now that it’s getting warmer, I’ve been brushing Rosie every night with her Zoom Groom brush to help her shed her winter coat faster. She loves it.
In case you missed it: Day 1 of the 90 Days of Awesome – New Engine Mounts!