Day 80 of the 90 Days of Awesome is in the bank! What made today awesome? I got to have bagels and coffee with honors business undergrads who are considering careers in the legal industry.

I was invited to speak to this group of bright students from the W.P. Carey School of Business  at ASU about having a nontraditional legal career. These students are in an internship program which involves working out of business and attempting these weekly seminars where different speakers talk about various aspects of working in the legal industry. I was invited to share my story to demonstrate to the students that you can do more things with a JD degree then be a traditional lawyer.
I got to talk about how I basically went to law school on a whim and how I found my professional passions after getting involved in the flash mob and social media communities in Phoenix which led to me starting this blog, opening a firm right out of law school, and putting as much energy into developing my career as a professional speaker and writer as I do into providing legal services for my clients. (I still say the best thing I did in law school was participate in the inaugural No Pants Light Rail Ride. It led to almost all the awesome opportunities in my career.)
It was fun to listen to these people, who are at the beginning of their careers, about their ideas that they want to work on professionally and how they can make opportunities for themselves through blogging, social media, and just being professionally bold about what they want.
To be honest, I don’t remember much of what I actually said, but the group’s coordinator, Gina Sanfillippo said I did a great job and all the students seemed happy with what I presented and wanted my card. I’ll take that for a win.
In case you missed it: Day 79 of the 90 Days of Awesome – Mitch Jackson and I did a live preview of our talk on social media law for Periscope Community Summit.