• Day 77/90 – Suzie Housewife Day

    Day 77 of the 90 Days of Awesome is in the bank! What made today awesome? I treated myself to a Suzie Housewife Day!

    This is what Rosie did most of the time while I was being productive today - except when I got too close to her with the vacuum.
    This is what Rosie did most of the time while I was being productive today – except when I got too close to her with the vacuum.

    A Suzie Housewife Day is a day I get to be mellow, stay home, and do chores. It may sound boring, but it’s quite relaxing. The day started out with a 4-mile run just after sunrise. It’s been so hot in Phoenix, I was soaked with sweat by the end of it. And I was tired again, so I laid down on the floor next to Rosie who was crashed out in her bed and I fell asleep for 45 minutes. I guess Rosie didn’t appreciate me napping so close to her because she had moved to another room by the time I woke up again.

    I took a shower and put on a fresh tank top and oversized pajama pants and started working around the condo. I got quite a bit done:

    • Did laundry
    • Balance my checkbook
    • Paid bills
    • Vacuumed the floors
    • Cleaned dishes
    • Brushed Rosie
    • Boiled chicken for Rosie (Yes, my dog gets chopped chicken with her kibble at every meal. She’s spoiled.)
    • Made chickpeas and veggies to have over rice for lunch at work this week (It’s a recipe from the Star Trek Cookbook.)
    • Did my weekly strength test (I’m up to 30 consecutive push-ups!)

    In between all of this, I was binge watching the routines from the U.S. National Gymnastics Championships. Both the men and women’s teams look awesome this year. I’m started to get excited for next year’s Olympics.

    Even though I was pretty productive, it was a restful day. I didn’t feel pressured to do anything. I just whatever I wanted to do next. It feels good to get things prepared for the upcoming week.

    In case you missed it: Day 76 of the 90 Days of Awesome – I had an awesome dinner at Oden’s house with friends!

  • Day 76/90 – Dinner at Oden’s

    Day 76 of the 90 Days of Awesome is in the bank! What made today awesome? I got to have dinner with friends at Oden’s house.

    Love this photo of Oden and me (Photo by Sheila Dee, used with permission)
    Love this photo of Oden and me (Photo by Sheila Dee, used with permission)

    I know Oden through Ignite Phoenix and Improv AZ. She’s freakin’ awesome. She is a self-proclaimed “Jewish mother” and somebody I can always count on. With one friend visiting from out of state and another friend recently moving back to the Phoenix area, Oden had a group of us over to her house for dinner.

    It was a fantastic evening filled with good food and laughter. Oden cooked up a storm, including pulled pork, cheesy polenta, and homemade white chocolate ice cream for dessert. Everything was so good, and it was so great to see so many of my friends.

    I also fell in love with one of Oden’s cats. His name is Broken – because he has a crick in his tail. He is an attention-loving talkative older cat – complete with a deep loud old-cat voice. He was so cute.

    I left feeling stuffed, happy, and lucky to have so many awesome friends in my life.

    In case you missed it: Day 75 of the 90 Days of Awesome – I got a tour of the Fox 10 Phoenix TV station.

  • Day 75/90 – Touring Fox 10 Phoenix

    Day 75 of the 90 Days of Awesome is in the bank! What made today awesome? I got take a tour of the Fox 10 Phoenix station with Jeff Moriarty.

    Some things never change.
    Some things never change.

    Jeff is my partner in crime, and he is also the Director of Social Media for Fox 10 Phoenix. He’s been a bugging me for months to come down to the station for a tour, and I’ve been putting it off, mainly because you never know when breaking news is going to happen and I didn’t want to be in the way. He finally got me down there this week.

    I'm flying!
    I’m flying!

    I got to visit Fox 10 a few weeks ago when I was on Fox News Now, but I didn’t get the full tour of the facility. Jeff showed me all the ins and outs of the station including the back hallways, editing rooms, and the sets where they do the morning and evening news programs. I was really nervous walking through the building, because I didn’t want to touch anything or speak too loudly in case it would disrupt someone’s work.

    The sets for the news were really awesome – they are all in one room. I was intimidated by all the equipment – especially the boom camera and the robotic camera. Yes, they have a robotic camera that can be controlled remotely. Even though they weren’t shooting a show at the time, I was afraid it was going to wake up and move around. Jeff, of course, was comfortable in our surroundings and encouraged me to take pictures on the sets and with the green screen.

    Again, I felt like I was invading someone else’s world, but I’m glad I got a behind-the-scenes look at the station. It seemed like a place where I could become comfortable if I worked there and the things that intimidated me as a visitor could become commonplace equipment and activities.

    In case you missed it: Day 74 of the 90 Days of Awesome – I got to be a guest on the Russ on the Radio show!