A few months ago I shared my outrage about the International Olympic Committee’s blatant (and cowardly) refusal to oppose Russia’s anti-gay laws and how none of the sponsors have spoken out against the bigoted laws. I love the Olympics but I’m boycotting the Games, so for the duration of the Sochi Winter Olympics and the Paralympics, I will not spend money on the Olympic  sponsors’ products whenever possible.
Here’s who won’t be getting my business during the Games:

Proctor & Gamble
This includes Olay moisturizer, Cover Girl cosmetics, Ivory soap, Pantene shampoo, Tampax tampons, Bounty paper towels, Charmin toilet paper, Mr. Clean magic eraser, Dawn dish soap, Cascade dishwasher soap, Tide laundry soap, Bounce dryer sheets, Febreze, Swiffer cloths, Duracell batteries, Venus razor blades, Oral-B toothbrushes, and Vicks Nyquil.
This includes Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Dasani water, Evian water, Fresca, Dr. Pepper, Powerade, Sprite, Monster Energy drinks, and Odwalla juice.
This will be the hardest one because I use my credit card for almost every purchase. I’ll have to switch to cash unless it’s a situation where I have to use my card.
If any of these products are already in my home, using them is fair game. They’ve already gotten my money so not using them when they’ve already made their profit off me doesn’t hurt them. They just won’t be getting any new business from me during the Games.
I’m an advocate of putting your money where your mouth is. If you don’t approve of what a company is doing, don’t give them your business. Any of the above companies can redeem themselves and get off my shit list by openly opposing Russia’s anti-gay laws and/or plastering their ads at the Sochi Olympic Games with rainbows and same-sex couples.