I am over a month into my variation of Ryan Nicodemus’(of The Minimalists) “packing party†and I have yet to go a day without unpacking something. On most days I unpack only a few items. I expect that day will come soon, but I also expect days where I’ll be unpacking a lot more. I’m starting to think about what items are going to survive the final clean out even if I don’t use them on a regular basis – like the keys to my parents’ house in California or the Ziploc back of spare change I haven’t unpacked yet. If I think of those items and I know they’re going to be spared, then I’ll unpack them. Likewise, the moment I know an item isn’t going to survive the final clean out, it will go into the pile of things to be donated to charity.
Here’s what I unpacked during the last week:
Day 29
- Crockpot and pan
Day 30
- Towel set
- Handout and magnets (to attach it to the fridge)
Day 31
- Sweatshirt (It’s finally cold enough that I want a sweatshirt instead of a zippy to walk Rosie in the morning)
Day 32
- Antibiotic ointment
- Replacement tube of Rosie’s toothpaste (I have several replacements for toiletries I currently use that are still in a box. I might unpack all of those because they will be used. Don’t worry – I only have 1 replacement for each item at most. I’m not like an extreme couponer who has 100 bottles of shampoo.)
Day 33
- Dress
- Cassette
Day 34
- Music stand and sheet music
- Donation to charity: unused travel size toiletries
Day 35
- Aztec sun (I’m storing this on the wall for now)
- Birthday card for brother-in-law (bought it during Independents Week sale)
- Stage manager bag of pens, highlighters, velcro, and safety pins (to work at Ignite Phoenix event)
- Vinyl pants, FMBs, and pasties (to wear at Ignite Phoenix event)
- Mascara, foundation, lip liner, eyeliner, shimmer powder, and lipstick case
- KT Tape (for my sore leg), alcohol pads, and knee socks (to sleep in my KT Tape)
- Music binder
The list on this post goes through last Friday, but I usually shoot the weekly video on Sunday so I’ll be talking about a few things that you won’t see on the what-I-unpacked list until next week. I’m definitely trying to treat my condo more and more like a home. I don’t want a lot a knick knacks – just a few sentimental items that make me smile.
Other updates from the Minimalism in 90 Days project:
What was Unpacked During Week 1
What was Unpacked During Week 2
What was Unpacked During Week 3
What was Unpacked During Week 4