2022 was a crazy busy year for me. The best moments were the ones I got to share with people I love. Here are some of the highlights:
I’m an Ironman!
I will never forget how it felt to run across that black and red carpet and raise my arms as I crossed the finish line while Mike Reilly said, “You are an Ironman!”
The first 7 months of 2022 were centered around training for Ironman on top of training throughout 2020 and 2021 when my race was cancelled due to COVID. It was a bit surreal to see this dream come to fruition, well until I felt the pain throughout my body.
In just over 15 hours, I swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles. Even though I was in top shape for my race, it hurt to do anything once I finished that race.
I regularly reflect fondly on my Ironman experience. My race day bracelet is still on my wrist, and I’m planning to get my M-dot tattoo in the spring of 2023.

Volunteering at Aimee’s Farm Animal Sanctuary
Starting over a year ago, I spend at least one morning each week volunteering at Aimee’s Farm Animal Sanctuary. For those few hours, I’m nobody’s lawyer. I just get to be a person, and that’s more than enough.
I love being part of the Farm Family – comprised of its humans and its animals. It’s so sweet when the animals trot up to us for pets, and it’s rewarding to help give them a loving home. And I love working with my fellow volunteers.
Periodically, I get to invite a friend to volunteer for a day, especially when they seem to need a break from reality, and let them experience the joy that comes with working in this healing place.

Connecting with Friends at CMWorld
Content Marketing World (CMWorld) is the best conference I’ve ever attended, and since I’ve been attending and speaking at it since 2015, I’ve become part of the CMWorld family. One of my happy memories from this event says, “Hanging out w/ CMW friends, feeling like I belong.”
I’m sure I was always seen and loved by my CMWorld family, but I think this year, I didn’t feel that insecurity that usually makes me feel like I don’t measure up to my peers.
I also let myself have more fun this year. I went on the 6am Running Club runs, accepted dinner invites, and of course, had Boy Band day with JK where we both rocked our orange pants. I was so sleepy silly by the end of the conference, I had to send myself to bed because I was starting to sound drunk even though I was stone cold sober.
Going to CMWorld also inspired me to get back into writing again – no expectation, just write and see what I’m compelled to create.

Rebranding to Geek Law Firm
Throughout most of 2022, and I’ll be finishing in 2023, I’m doing a massive rebrand. I rebranded Carter Law Firm to Geek Law Firm, got a new site for The Undeniable Ruth, and I have one more site that’s still being built. This rebrand was something I’d contemplated for a while, and it feels good to get back into writing and with sites that better fit with who I am right now.

Loving Life with Lucy Jane
Lucy Jane and I are each other’s emotional support animal. I would not be surprised if I have an Emotional Support Human t-shirt by the end of 2023.
Lucy Jane is such a sweetheart, giving loves to all her hooman and dog friends. I bring her breakfast and bed each morning, and then she snuggles next to me under the covers as I read my book and drink my coffee. When I get home from a workout, she licks the salt from my sweat off my face and shoulders.
I took Lucy to the Content Economy Expo (CEX), and the staff made her a special name badge. Networking is super easy with a basset at my feet – all the dog lovers come to me!

Lessons Learned (or Re-learned)
Do not stand at your desk for 90 minutes when you can’t remember the last time you raised your sit-stand desk.
My short-term memory sucks.
Lucy prefers 1:1 puppy playdates over going to the dog park.
The term “kid gloves” refers to baby goats, not young people.
Shave your arms before working at the farm, otherwise your stubble will be Velcro for dust.
The pharmacist at Target will not let you administer a flu shot to yourself.
When someone enters a religious order, part of the vow of poverty includes signing a legal document where they give up ownership to any intellectual property they might create.
Even with Trazodone, Lucy is still vocal and wiggly when getting her nails trimmed.
Don’t walk into a muddy pen at the farm in flip flops.

Firsts in 2022
Scanned a QR code
Baked a yeasted bread from scratch
Took Lucy to a dog park
Mounted by a zebu cow
Struck from a pink-letter arbitration
Purchased an autograph at Phoenix Fan Fusion
Bought the photos from a race – IM Lake Placid
Bitten by a pig
Volunteered at an Ironman event (70.3 and 140.6)
Walked 3 dogs at one time
Got COVID (hopefully the only time I’ll get it)
Completed the non-binary trifecta – birth certificate, driver’s license, and passport!

Celebrity Sightings
Dan Pink
Kate Mulgrew
Hasan Minhaj

In Memoriam
Humans: Gilbert Gottfried, Slique Callahan, Mike Poulton, Nichelle Nichols, Cy Rovie, Olivia Newton-John, Gray Ray, Edgar Marcoux, Louise Fletcher, Angela Lansbury, David Mario, Gordon Stedman, Robbie Coltrane, Isaiah Shepard, Jeannette Black, Leslie Jordan, everyone who died in the 647+ mass shootings in the U.S. in 2022
Critter Friends: Norman Takaha, Althea Takaha, Chaquita Takaha, Miley Pflughaupt, Sophie Neighbor, Ivy Takaha, Fabio Takaha, Minnie Sellers, Christopher Takaha