If you want to feel small, walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and look down at the water and see how big all the cables are compared to you. If you want to feel helpless, get a sick dog.
I didn’t have anything planned for Day 41 of the 90 Days of Awesome, which turned out to be a good thing since Rosie and I spent over two hours at the vet this afternoon.

This morning Rosie didn’t have much of an appetite and she was panting and peeing like it was her job. I thought she might have a urinary tract infection. I hate seeing her uncomfortable. I don’t think she slept all morning.
Thankfully our vet was able to get us in the same day. I love that they’re open seven days a week. The vet diagnosed her with an ear infection in both ears and they collected samples of her blood and urine for additional testing. They are testing her for a urinary tract infection, diabetes, and Cushing’s disease (which can result from her glaucoma meds). We could have results from those tests as early as tomorrow.
They sent us home with two different ear drops which are making her significantly more comfortable. She still has no appetite, but she isn’t peeing as often, and she’s sleeping comfortably on the floor of my office as I write.
Was today awesome? No. However, the part that was awesome was I was able to see that my baby needed help and I was able to provide it with the help of her medical team. I thought it was very sweet when they took her in the back to draw blood and urine, I could hear another vet and I think some techs gushing over Rosie. They remember Rosie from earlier this year when she was in a lot for her glaucoma and eventual eye removal.
In case you missed it: Day 40 of the 90 Days of Awesome – AA Meeting Under the Stars.